

Add handicraft orders to Vietnam


For now able to confirm the export target of $ 1.6 billion in 2014 for the handicraft items are workable. 
Recently, a series of orders from Japan, China is shifting to Vietnam market. Mr. Do Kim Lang, Deputy Director of Trade Promotion (Ministry of Commerce) interpretation, 2 orders from this market shift to Vietnam due in part to the influence of increasing the minimum wage policy in China has made production cost of a day high. Along it, a large part of the cargo of handicrafts Industrial production switched to making the delivery time extended to 60 days (Vietnam now only takes about 30 days). Moreover, the number of requests for orders of Chinese manufacturers high (at least 1 container) was difficult for importers, especially the imports came from Australia, Japan ...

 Commenting on this issue, Mr. Le Ba Ngoc, General Secretary of the Association Exports Vietnam handicraft (Vietcraft) said: The order shifts the Vietnam not only by the impact of price, time or requirements of orders that importers are confident in the quality of handicraft products in Vietnam. In recent years, enterprises have choices in middle-and high-level segment makes strategic investment, competition. So they created a major change in product quality as well as the location on the map exports handicrafts world.

Currently, the United States, EU and Japan are still the traditional market, accounting for a large share of total exports of the sector. The business is also focused on exploiting new markets in huge block of emerging economies (BRICS) are: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

Notably, block powerful BRICS emerging in recent years by the economic development of this sector is very fast and will be a potential market. Furthermore, exploiting mass market BRICS, because most of the water in the block are very close and convenient for market research, freight. BRICS bloc, each year Vietnam exported $ 100 million worth of furniture products to the Chinese market, shoe exports to Russia ...

To further increase exports, he recommends Le Ba Ngoc, the small business segment invests in very fragile cheap contracts, loss of business meeting. Therefore it is important to focus on the middle market, in line with the production capacity, raw materials, skilled workers. Along with that, expand channels of communication, transmission of ability, value and competitiveness of handicraft products in Vietnam. Businesses should register with the protection of creative product design, avoiding duplication to protect the economic interests of yourself.


