

Basketry in Muong


Ancient Hmong , Muong ( Muang ) means an area of land, an area that people are Muong . Hoa Binh province under the French called Muong province . In large Muong Hoa Binh famous four : Best Drama, Second Wine , eight months , automatic - ie Muong Bi ( Tan Lac ) , Muong Vang ( Leshan ) , Muong Thang (high performer ) and Muong Dong ( Kim Boi ) . Muong people live entirely based on natural , mostly all utensils from bamboo wood off the ground , the workers are few tools of iron , and iron forging of Muong also not high . Mainly found in the iron foundry forging plowshares , knives and hunting rifles primitive forests , and copper casting the gong mound . Even tooth harrow harrow also use bamboo . This is due to the field if there are rocks broken teeth of iron will , and that children only when curved and then straight into the rocks . Wicker become a popular profession in the Muong , if we call it amateur or professional career also.

Call amateurs , by knitting not bring income , but not regularly serve the needs for the family, who also weave especially rough map . Called by professional have refined kinds of highly skilled unskilled , have knit dozens of years to create . The climax of knitting is knitting a summer platter , tray only to worship , a knitting technique has caught and weighed five and six for the heart , as both sides finished knitting on the underside are equally beautiful . Rims are woven rattan tray . If it is present in only catch on , if it is present only caught six under . This technique also almost lost . Currently only a few of the oracles of summer wheels and a few collections .
If you look at the map of traditional knitting fishing show a different habitat and probably never to be repeated . That's the big basket and cuttings size to several feet long and more than half the size in diameter . A few decades ago people could catch fish on 50kg in the Black River . To put them right to knitting and sure . The knitting fishing just gets smaller and smaller , until now , knitting is not common anymore . In the family is the most important container bundle ( game drive ) containing clothes , and her mother will pass on to her daughter when married . It is the second conductor layer is durable and beautiful , functional as modern suitcase . The fruit containers , eating betel when asked often double , and stood away to the wood legs are tight knit and sophisticated . The knitting is usually undertaken by the farmer , the older the higher hand weaving , hand soft key until the stop pins . Since childhood , children had to practice knitting Muong naturally . Wrap the leaf cuttings fish packaging field , Fencing knitting oil, grill for family , then proceed to the basket making , weaving and fishing for fish cuttings , knitting beautiful containers lover gifts , knitting and worship offerings . Everyone participated as a community , should the young citizens , panels , civil , woven grill, Roofing has little experience in Muong finally have some degree knitting virtuosity and be able to sell their products , although it has never become a profession for the money .
The knitting is finished , people often hang upstairs kitchen - the kitchen center living in the house , never turn off the heat - will hong knitting to dry , and smoke and soot clung until the black ball . The knitting is smoked so highly durable , resistant to water damage , and anti- termite . Nature , fruits , ceramics ... suggests the shape of Muong knitting . It is the result of thousands of years of exposure to the trees in the forest , the river and the land . The shape of both elected as a natural born from this jungle . Whether it pretty carefully woven and durable , they also destroyed during use , should they continue to be knitting forever instead. Modern society has replaced the other furniture , plastic furniture , metal furniture ... and from the beginning we have better looks nicer , easier to use , capabilities that have woven rattan furniture is not available, cheap price citizen than a traditional map . Weaving traditional risk losing Muong is real . And who is the lineage of nostalgia for a job well Muong existed for thousands of years .


