

Promoting exports of handicrafts


MARD has approved a project to export handicraft products in 2010-2015, a target set by the end of 2015, exports of handicrafts products reached $ 1.6 billion. However, the export activities of firms in this sector remain difficult, to accomplish these goals requires the efforts of all branches of yourself as well as the business enterprise handicraft items. 
The difficulties of exporters of handicrafts and art 
In the export-oriented strategy and restructuring industry, the Party and the State have determined handicraft items are export strategy. This is item Vietnam has great potential, market demand world hardly limited. Besides, exports brings great added value, can be seen as a key sector to focus on developing export. The open door policy and economy to actively participate in the process of regionalization, globalization has opened up many opportunities for handicraft items. Experiencing the ups and downs, handicraft products in Vietnam has presented more than 120 countries worldwide. However, every handicraft Vietnam is experiencing significant difficulties in production problems, boost exports and to find a stable consumer market. Besides, the product quality Vietnam is low, producing scattered, difficult to implement mass production to meet large orders. Also, design, styling products exports slow innovation, not diversity should not be all that strong promotion and export potential. A further problem arises materials production is gradually depleted by overfishing in the absence of aquaculture planning resource. 
In particular, the economy has not entered the world through the difficult stage exporting activities of firms in this sector remains difficult. Currently, the production of the raw material handicraft enterprises to import up to 50%. Some businesses said ceramics, ceramic manufacture to use gas. From the beginning of the year, this type of gas has increased more than 6 times adjusted accordingly, production costs have also increased. Cargo business is more competitive in terms of price due to the cost of production inputs have increased over 20%. In addition, many businesses and labor shortages needed to serve the production of export orders. 
Solution to boost exports of handicrafts 
MARD has launched measures implemented to accomplish this goal, such as the need to focus on building and developing the material stability and sustainability; focus on developing the handicraft products with traditional technology with low investment, rapid recovery, material savings and potentially create more jobs. 
Reportedly, the group of rattan, bamboo, leaves, sedge (accounting for 30% the proportion of handicraft group) is capable of boosting exports. Currently, due to indiscriminate exploitation, lack of planning and investment, leading to major materials such as wood, bamboo pole, ride, bamboo, rattan being depleted. This is the short life cycle of materials, easy to grow, easy to harvest. So the question needs to develop materials to develop stable, sustainable harvesting and processing of raw materials ... To do that required quick survey on the status of raw materials for manufacturing handicrafts, especially for the cloudy, clay, wood, silk and reserves to assess the actual quality, performance assessment for production operators; implementing new programs and programs growing mining for raw materials in the country, linking the area to supply raw materials for the manufacturing sector on the basis of signed contracts to purchase ... create conditions for the handicrafts enterprises to invest in technology, direct management and exploitation of the raw material. 
In addition, the need to support the raw material suppliers to invest in processing technology and advanced processing techniques; encourage foreign investment in the field of processing of raw materials (wood, bamboo, papyrus, textile dyeing) to implement technology transfer. In particular, there should be policies to encourage technology transfer personnel and vocational training; focused development team of skilled workers in schools, hospital design ... 
Besides, handicraft industry should focus on export market development, improve the quality and efficiency of organizations promoting trade missions abroad, especially in large markets and potential such as USA, EU, Japan, Russia, Australia, South America and the Nordic countries. In order to expand the export market for the market on the exporters should look to its own distribution channels by target customers are always looking for items to create a really special edge competition in the market.

Most manufacturing enterprises to strengthen the development of models, differentiate the product to improve competitiveness in the market. When researching the market, enterprises should pay attention to what customers will buy by the fact that customers are not only interested in the usefulness of handicraft items for decoration but also in the family . In addition, businesses need to ensure a balance between quality and price of products, many markets are willing to pay higher prices for better quality products; attention to the services provided by businesses such as orders are produced on time, flexibility, logistics issues as well as the standards of social responsibility of exporters well no ..


