In the summer , sleeping on bamboo mat will help you feel cooler as the reference category mat or thick nylon resin phase . Customers come to my shop often flounder when one wants to buy mats because market structure is now full of different types of projectors , as diverse origin ( domestic - foreign any) , price and the difference in quality is also very very ....
Bamboo mat sold on the market today there are two major types : slide projector Vietnam and China . For the price , never slide projector Vietnam and China more expensive . If a bamboo mat China good quality size 1.6 m x 1.9 m only prices ranged from 400000-550000 dong / unit ( depending on the pattern , often in plain cheaper ) then slide Vietnam the same size will be more expensive from 150000-200000 / medal .
Screening China is generally 1 , 2 years , the quality was good , but then the quality is increasingly reduced the price is increased by the external impact . China projector price cheaper than the projection of the same kind in Vietnam but the chemicals used to bleach , spray against termites or more . This made some of my customers reluctant to want to buy projector China .
Vietnam bamboo mat after appearing projection China but the quality is generally stable , however , monotonous design while the price is much higher than imports .
Projector can distinguish China and Vietnam in that cage the gut eye view projection :
* Screening Vietnam gut looked very solid, tight , and thick eye structure , uniform , hand saw for sure, less smell of chemicals soaking .
* Screening of Chinese architecture is very diverse in design , pattern , embossed also have a fan in the eye projector , portable projector that pastes over Vietnam , chemical smell of anti -mold , anti- termite . ..